The Pastor's Blog

Apr 1, 20202 min


By Pastor Bob DeKlavon

There are two thoughts that made me consider what I am writing today. One is a lesson from scripture. The other is an application from the coaching my wife does with others.


Before my junior year in high school, I dedicated myself to the Lord.

This was the ‘living sacrifice’ spoken of Paul in Romans 12:1.

I had become a Christ follower two years before but had not fully surrendered.

I still remember folding laundry—my daily task for our family—on a hot summer day in Miami. As I folded—I prayed as to what God wanted to do with my life.

In that prayer, I ‘heard’ [one of a few times I have clearly sensed God’s voice] God say:

“I want you to carry your Bible to school.”

By way of background—I went to Miami Carol City High School.

It was a school with a couple thousand students, and I did not know of 1 Christian among them.


Again—I asked God if I had heard Him correctly and I received the same answer:

“I want you to carry your Bible to school.”


I asked if there was a plan B but I knew I had heard correctly.

I had almost 5 weeks to think about, agonize about, pray about, and stew about what I was going to do.

                                    That is when I came across James 4:17.

James 4:17 says: “Therefore to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

The immediate context demands an interpretation related to commerce and making plans.


By way of application, though—that verse knocked me right between the eyes.

Think about it—what is it you are SUPPOSED TO DO?  If you don’t do it—it is sin.

Now—even things like trying to avoid taking out the garbage took on a whole new meaning.


I knew I should but if I didn’t then, according to the Bible—I was ‘missing the mark.’

So—back to day one of my junior year of high school.

What did I believe God wanted me to do?

I would like to say I carried my big black Bible {that was all I had} with great confidence but I cannot lie.


Honestly, I put it under all my other books. When asked what it was I mumbled:  {my Bible}.

For the next two years, though, I did the right thing and carried my Bible to a my high school every day. My confidence grew and opportunities to minister occurred as well.

To this day—I cannot ‘get out’ of taking out the garbage when I am supposed to because of James 4:17.


As a nurse, counselor, and life coach my wife is often asked:

“What should I do next?’

                        Her ‘standard answer’ is:  “do the next right thing.’

During this time of isolation—our lives have been changed from what they have been before.

So….what do we do now?

IF we can’t minister ‘face to face’ then minister in some other way.

If you have always wanted time to pray or study the Bible or memorize scripture—why not now?

If you have wanted to impact other’s lives—what a great time to hear of needs and seek to meet them.

Doing the ‘next right thing’ may not be a big thing.  But if that is what God leads you to do, will you do it?
