The Pastor's Blog

Apr 14, 20202 min


By Pastor Bob DeKlavon

In some cultures—people save their best jokes for the Monday after Resurrection Sunday.

The thought behind this is that the best ‘joke’ of all was that Satan had won and Jesus was defeated.

   Obviously, the joke was on Satan, as Christ rose from the dead to show He triumphed over death.

            Years ago, I preached a Resurrection sermon with the title:  “Jesus plays peek-a-boo.”

                        It developed as I read over the resurrection accounts again and again.

                 What I can’t escape is the sheer joy that came as a result of Jesus being alive.

This is shown clearly by those who saw Jesus, but I must believe it was also the demeanor of the Lord.

                        Yesterday, {Resurrection Sunday} we were sitting down for supper.

    It was about that time, 2000 years ago that two disciples were walking on a road to Emmaus.

                        Jesus joins them but they don’t know it is Him.

                        He asks what they are talking about as they are walking.

                        Luke 24:17 says:  “And they stood still, looking sad.”

Cleopas said:

“Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here?”

In a two-word response, and I am thinking, while stifling a smile, Jesus asks:

“What things?”

HE KNOWS FULL WELL “What things,” but He doesn’t let on to them that He knows anything.

            They walk and talk and while breaking bread—they recognize Him and He vanishes.

                                    Now you see Me—now you don’t—peek-a-boo.

                        Twice, the disciples are gathered after the resurrection.

On the first Sunday—Jesus appears as 10 of them are huddled behind locked doors and simply says:

“Peace be with you.”

Eight days later, Thomas now included—Jesus does the same and He says the same words:

“Peace be with you.”

Can’t you hear a disciple saying:  ‘would you stop doing that!!  We are going to have a heart attack.”

Now you see Me—now you don’t—peek-a-boo.

Mary thinks He is a gardener until He calls her by name.

According to John 20:16—she had already turned to leave when He said her name.

As she turns back around, can’t you picture Jesus smiling as she recognizes that it is Him?

In John 21—some of the disciples went fishing while Jesus became a cook.

He directs them in their fishing and they have to drag the net—it is so full.

They see it is Him and Peter jumps in the water while the others drag the catch to shore.

                      Even as He beckons them to come and eat, John tells us:

“No one of the disciples ventured to question Him, ‘Who are You?’ knowing it was the Lord.”

In those first weeks—Jesus came and left—but wherever He was—HE brought great joy.

            Now—He is with us always {Matthew 28:20}; He will never leave us {Hebrews 13:5}

            Nothing can separate us {Romans 8:38-39} and nothing will condemn us {Romans 8:1}.

                        Now you see Me—now you see Me—and that is no joke!
