The Pastor's Blog

May 31, 20202 min


By Pastor Bob DeKlavon

When you think about life—there are things that keep coming up over and over.

Go to work one week—go the next.

Mow the lawn this week—mow the lawn the next.

Birthday party this week—next year too, by God’s grace.

Church one week—next week again.

            As a minister—I find there are three things that keep coming up over and over.

One—spend time with the Lord today—do the same tomorrow.

            I just cannot eat enough in one day for two days’ worth of spiritual vitality.

Two—studies prepared each week.

            I can have a stellar sermon one week but…I must still produce one the next.

            Devotional thoughts and small group materials—they come, and they come.


            The people do not go away {NOR would I want them to}—they are always here.

            Now—along with people comes the incredible joy of seeing people grow in their faith.

            On the other hand, there are always needs and those things for which to pray.

                        There is a daily need to care for the people assigned to my care.

At Faith, we have dozens of people who care for other people.

Besides our elders and deacons—we have small group leaders and women’s ministry leaders.

We have a ministry specifically called ‘faith cares’ comprised of people who care for people.

We have others who just are gifted in mercy and serving so reach out to others.

Now—some of the needs people have are not weekly but they are constant.

Paul warns about not being weary in well-doing which can happen in caring for people.

On the other hand—think about the ministry of Paul.

I was reminded of this as I was working on the sermon for this week.

In 2 Corinthians 11—Paul lists many of the afflictions he has faced because of the gospel.

Included in this list are such things as:  whipped 5 times 39 lashes each.

            Do the math and you realize his back must have looked like swiss cheese.

He was beaten and stoned.

He was imprisoned.

He was in constant danger….and on the list goes.

But it is in verse 28 that I am brought up short as I consider his calling by God.

            He writes:

“Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure upon me of concern for all the churches.”

These are not just individuals—these are whole churches!

Yet—God had called Paul to minister daily in caring for those people God had entrusted to him.

Do not lose heart in doing good, Paul would say—but daily care for those God has given to you.
