The Pastor's Blog

Apr 3, 20202 min


By Pastor Bob DeKlavon

David is fleeing from Saul. He is wandering from place to place waiting to see what the Lord will do. He makes some strange alliances and in the midst of everything he makes a consistent discovery. In 1 Samuel 29—we are told that he is going to battle against the Israelites while with the Philistines. Rightly so, some Philistine leaders do not trust David, so he and his men are sent away.

It is in chapter 30 that we find David and his men returning home only to find they have no home. The Amalekites had raided the city where David and the people’s families had lived. We are told that all the wives and children had been taken captive and the city had been burned.

AT THAT TIME—they had no idea what happened to their loved ones—they just knew that all was gone.

                        There are two very different reactions to what happened here.

                        V. 4 tells us that the people wept until they could weep no more.

            V. 6 tells us that the people spoke of stoning David because of what had been done.

                In the meantime—we find that David was impacted just as much as anyone.

                        V. 5 tells us that his two wives were among those taken captive.

                        V. 4 reminds us that he also wept bitterly along with all the people.

V. 6 also tells us that David was greatly distressed because the people were embittered against him.

                     Now—here is the great difference between David and the people:

            The people sought refuge in stoning while David sought refuge in strengthening.

V. 6 tells us:  “But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.”

This is the key in the midst of overwhelming catastrophe—being strengthened in the Lord.

It is interesting that in just three chapters the words ‘greatly distressed’ are used twice. In 1 Samuel 28:15—It says that King Saul was ‘greatly distressed’ [same word] so he sought a medium. In 1 Samuel 30:6—when David is ‘greatly distressed’ he sought the Lord.

These really are the two choices for people during catastrophes.

People can seek help in a variety of ways apart from the Lord:  alcohol, drugs, pleasure, even suicide. But for Christians—when the pressures build up outside—we look to the Lord Who calms us inside.

                        In a tough time—Ezra was strengthened in the Lord—Ezra 7:28

            In the midst of a terrifying vision—Daniel is strengthened in the Lord—Daniel 10:18-19. In the beginning of leading Israel after Moses—Joshua is told several times to be strong in the Lord.

The message for the Christian has NOT changed. Do not settle for any other way to find strength than by being strengthened in the Lord.
