The Pastor's Blog

May 19, 20202 min


By Pastor Bob DeKlavon

Each year, as I read through the Bible, I am struck by the kings of Israel.

As a reminder—AL OF ISRAEL had ONE KING for only 3 generations.

There was King Saul followed by King David followed by King Solomon.

After Solomon—the kingdom split:  north {Israel}, south {Judah}.

          All the kings of Israel were evil.

Most of the kings of Judah were also evil with some exceptions.

One that stands out for me with great sadness is King Asa.

The story I will share here is based on 2 Chronicles 14-16.

                        Some background:

Asa was the great great grandson of King David.

He was appointed king in about 911 B. C.

                                                1 Chronicles 14:2 says of him:

“And Asa did good and right in the sight of the LORD his God.”

In that same chapter—verse 9 tells us that the Ethiopian army gathered against King Asa.

                        That army has ONE MILLION MEN and 300 chariots.

                        Let that number wash over you for a minute—1,000,000 men.

We are told that Asa had available 580,000 warriors from both Judah and the tribe of Benjamin.

                           But by a margin of almost 2 to 1—Asa was going to battle.

                        We are told that he calls on the LORD by way of intercession.

                              God shows up and the Ethiopian army is routed.

A prophet comes to King Asa and says:

“Listen to me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin:  the LORD is with you when you are with Him.  And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you….But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for you work.”

It is said of Asa that for decades he did well.

                        He made reforms and he got rid of most of the idols in the land.

                        In so many ways—he was the ideal king.

HOWEVER….don’t you hate that word in a story like this?

It is implying that the story is going to take a twist and that is exactly what happens.

In the 36th year of his reign.  Let me repeat that—in the 36th year of his reign:

       The King of Israel comes to do battle with Asa and, RATHER THAN CALL OUT TO THE LORD… 

                                    He reaches out to a foreign power to rescue him.

God is ticked with him and do you blame the LORD?

                                    After all He has done—this is how Asa repays Him?

           Sadly, his ending comes when he gets diseased in his feet, but we are told…even then…

“Even in his disease he did NOT SEEK THE LORD, but the physicians.”

He began so well and lived most of his life in a way that honored the Lord.

But the end ruined the beginning.  

Don’t let that happen to you.  Remember all that He has done and Keep walking faithfully with Him.
